
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

20 weeks

Like that skirt I'm wearing? I made it!
I've started taking sewing lessons again - this time garments instead of home decor - and it going great!
The maternity skirt was my first completed garment, now I'm working on a PJ top.
(Because otherwise it would be an unflattering maternity blouse - but it has some attributes my instructor wants me to learn next.)
After that I'm planning on doing a dress for me 
before moving on to some day gowns and jon -jons for the baby.

Now on to the bumpdate!
It's the halfway point!
We had our 20 week appointment today and the doctor said baby boy looks good and healthy!
We even got a good peek at his little face!

We are so in love already!

How Far Along? 20 weeks
Size of Baby? Length of a banana, 10 inches head to toe. At the ultrasound they said he weighed 14 ounces
Maternity Clothes? Yes, yes and yes. When my mother in law was in town she bought be a few things at the Pickles and Ice Cream here in Nashville that is going out of business. Coupled with things my mom bought me on my last Houston trip and clothes I'm borrowing from my sister in law, Angie, I'm almost exclusively in maternity clothes, except for the occasional top  can fit into. I'm so ready for the unending winter to be over to I can wear some comfortable dresses!
Weight gain? I'm up three pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Stretch Marks? Nope, still slathering on the moisturizer everyday
Gender?  BOY!!
Sleep? I've been sleeping hard with vivid dreams nightly thanks to my Snoogle.
Food Cravings? Chicken Salad. Random but true. I eat it almost everyday. Lovin' those sweets too.
What I miss? Still caffeine
Symptoms? Round ligament pain in my sides in the evenings
Belly Button? It's super shallow. I swear its going to be outie before long!
Best Moment of the Week? Seeing baby boys sweet face in 3D! Also, we've decided on a name, but I will most likely wait until he is born before I share it on the world wide web.

This weekend we are heading to Texas for a friends wedding and a quick visit with my Mom and Dad in Houston. I'm looking forward to getting out of town for a minute and heading for some warmer weather!

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