
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beach Trip Recap

Wow! We really had a great time at the beach.
It was so nice to spend time with my brother and his family,
as well as my parents.

I could have just named this post "Fishing Report".
Because there was a lot of this...

But there was also a lot of this...

I am so grateful to have these family traditions and memories.

I can't wait until next time.

- Bethany

Friday, May 11, 2012

Target Finds

I love Target.

Like, a lot.

If I could shop at only one store for the rest of my would probably be Target.

Here's what I've found at my Utopia recently.

1. Goody Quik Style Microfiber Brush

It's a brush. It's a towel. It's a browel.
I can dry my hair in almost half the time using this. 
Its kinda weird, but I love it.

2. Bangle bracelets
I loved the mint green accent. 
They look cute with my clothes from Opry Mills.

3. Dress from The Webster for Target.
Cute beach dress for the trip to Orange Beach next week. 
We leave in the morning (yay!).

4. Tank also from The Webster for Target
Swingy tank just in time for summer.

All images via


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Real Life Pinterest Board

I made a boring bulletin board beautiful.

Its going to be my inspiration/idea board for my sewing space. 
It's basically going to be a "real life" pinterest board. :)

I had seen versions of this all over blogland. I particularly liked Emily's and followed her instructions.

I took a regular ole bulletin board 
(Which, by the way, was harder to find for cheap than thought it would be. I finally settled on one from Target for $12.99)
and taped off the edges with masking tape. 

Then, I sprayed on a coat of this...

Then, I pulled off the tape and put my fabric down. 
I used a ruler like a squeegee to get the bubbles out and smooth out the fabric.
The fabric was very easy to reposition using this spray adhesive.

Then I busted out the plain jane nickel thumbtacks for my faux nailhead trim.
I used a ruler and just eyeballed trying to get the row of tacks straight and even spaced. 
Of course, its not perfect. If you wanted it perfect you might want to pay $15 to $20 and buy a nailhead kit.
But I was going the budget route.

Jason helped me use a staple gun to staple the fabric down on the back side of the board. 
Easy peasy real life pinterest board that is going to double as art in my sewing space all for about $30.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

House Tour

The post you've all been waiting for...
Tour of the new house and what we've done so far...
